
Duplicate, Google chose a different canonical than the user

Duplicate, Google chose a different canonical than the user shows that Google only indexes these URLs to be duplicates and chose to ignore the canonical URL that you have defined. Instead, Google applies a different canonical tag. Mostly we see this issue for URLs that have duplicate content or thin content. Here are some examples: One thing that needs to be focused on when Google […]


How to Fix “Blocked due to other 4xx issues” in Google Search Console

If you have seen this error in your Google search console “Blocked due to other 4xx issues”.  It means your page responds with one of the 4xx HTTP codes other than 401, 403, or 404 and as a result, your page is being blocked from indexing. This is the reason Google groups all the pages under this issue “Blocked due to other 4xx issue”. However, […]

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